16. Waiting around

8:48 p.m. & Monday, May. 29, 2006

Create new message: Hi Navin. Just letting you know I won�t be around for a while. Therefore you take care of yourself and have a good 7 day break. Goodnight. Goodbye.

We were supposed to be catching up on that 7 day break in-between exams. However, he decided that partying was much more important. The fact that I�ve only seen him once in two years doesn�t have anything to do with the point I suppose. I�m over his permanent narrow-mindedness.

I�m beginning to convince myself that it really is time to let go. Being let down continually for over 2 years isn�t quite working for me anymore. The most hurtful thing he�s ever done to me though as a friend, is when I sent him a message saying that my mother woke me just after midnight and threatened to knife me. I addressed it to Nathan, to pretend it wasn�t meant for him. He never messaged me, or even sent an e-mail to see if I was ok. Nothing. When Mother makes those kinds of threats, you never take them lightly. He knows that.

Nonetheless, he can go to Hell I�ve decided. He can rot. The droll thing about it is that he always tells me that I love him too much to delete him and break all contact. Is that so? I love him as a friend, although there�s absolutely nothing but heartache in every conversation I have with him. I do hate it when people make the assumption to believe that you�ll be around forever.. when I made that postulation once, he died. ..I�ve never gotten to say I�m sorry either

I want to remember What takes a lifetime to forget