85. A few weeks before 1:09am

5:41 p.m. & Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006

Yusuf: So, have you been to Sex Camp lately?
Me: Excuse me?
Yusuf: Oops, I mean Acting Camp.
[Seb cheated on me at Acting Camp]
Me: Look, why are you even talking to me.. you never say anything unless you have something absolutely horrible to tell me.
Yusuf: Come on. Sex Camp, oops, I mean acting, must bring back some memories.
Me: Why would you bring something like that up? What benefit does it give you, reminding me of one of the most painful moments of my life?
Yusuf: I was just having some fun. Don�t get all upset about it.
Me: Don�t you dare tell me what to not get upset about. You may be his best friend now, but that doesn�t give you a right to rub anything in. Seriously, what advantage does it give you.. Please just leave me alone.
Yusuf: You used to be a nice person..
Me: Yeah, well, shit happens.
Yusuf: Wow, ok..

After that conversation, though there was more to it, I changed my e-mail address, and I added neither Seb nor Yusuf. I haven�t spoken to either since..

Perhaps that�s why he called.
But I'm not ready to talk..

I want to remember What takes a lifetime to forget