125. Circumstaces

9:50 a.m. & Sunday, Sept. 17, 2006

"Is there a reason why you have disappeared?"

After my mobile got confiscated I lost all my numbers. I don't know who sent that exact message. Though I'm not too keen to find out either.

I didn't mean to disappear. It kind of just happened.

I've become less tolerant than I usally am under the circumstances..
I hate that.
I'm not taking as much shit as I generally do - when it comes to defending myself I'm not scared, and I have a mouth that can fire verbal bullets very accurately, if it has to.

I want to go home. I'm in the situation where I've got the oppoprtunity of doing something I've always wanted to do and always loved doing, but I'm here under the wrong cirumstances, and at an inappropriate point in time.

You get used to what is unfair about this world and if you ever decided to wait for fair to come along you'd eventually turn into a depressive, lonesome gossiping socialite.

This realization started with that one message.
I won't apologize though, because it never makes a difference.

I want to remember What takes a lifetime to forget