187. High School.

10:56 p.m. & Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006

It's Navin's last day of school tomorrow. He seems to believe that I don't know what it's like to wake up to the same routine every day and then have it smashed to smitherines.
To just.. not see the same people anymore.
For everyone to move on to bigger and "better things."

I know what it feels like! I was there Nav.
Maybe not at your school. Maybe not this year.. but, God, I was there.

I was there when one day my mother got taken away from me by the police. They took her over one and a half thousand miles away where I couldn't see her.
Do you know what it's like to have someone there every single day of your life and then you wake up to them being gone?

What can affect you more than that?
A few measly friends that you've made through 2-3 years of high school?
Life goes on.

People will die.
People will leave you.
And people will hurt you.
But you'll survive.. even if you're sitting on that bench alone.
And you'll get up trying to make the most of it.

Leaving High School isn't that big.
I left everything I ever knew 8 months ago to move down here to Sydney. You don't look back.
Nothing good comes out of looking through the rear-view mirror.

I want to remember What takes a lifetime to forget