179. Farewell Grandmother..

11:11 p.m. & Sunday, Nov. 05, 2006

My grandmother passed away yesterday. I watched her die.

I'm glad that she's gone though.
She was evil. Always wanting to cause arguments, always wanting to scream. Constantly relishing in other people's pain.
I cried after she died. The sight of her husband - they didn't get along in the slightest - sprawled across her deceased body saying that he'll always love her. That he'll meet her in heaven.
It was an act of pure passion and love.

I looked around the hospital room after she left us. Thinking that some day soon, we'd all die.
I'm not afraid of that. Though I don't welcome it with open arms. In some situations death is preferable to life. A situation like hers I gather.

I want to remember What takes a lifetime to forget